Life Comes Through the Spirit
For the first blog a ministry ever posts, you would think the main focus would be on Jesus. And He is clearly the foundation of Christianity, and our salvation belongs to Him (Revelation 7:10). But I've learned over the years that just as much as the enemy wants to keep you from relationship with Jesus, he also wants to keep you from realizing the need for relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit gets a bad wrap, being labeled third in the Holy Trinity. That is false. There is no ranking order. How can there be? God is God, whether you refer to Him as Father, Son, or Holy Ghost. He's one in the same. Verse 2 of Genesis makes it clear that the Spirit of God was present. In verse 26, clearly an omniscient God knows He isn't in the midst of conversation with man, who doesn't even exist yet. Therefore, it's vital for every believer to have relationship with all of who God is, not just the part of Him that doesn't challenge how you think and live.
Jesus's death on the cross redeemed us to the Father, and prevents us from suffering the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13). And His resurrection proved that He was who He said He was, and what He was coming to do for all man was accurate and true. But His ascension into heaven allowed for the arrival of the Spirit of Christ to come live in us (Romans 8:9), and without the Spirit, you don't belong to Christ.
Never be sold on the lack of need to embrace relationship with the Holy Ghost. It's through Him you gain wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge, devotion, and reverence of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2). It's through the Spirit you are guided, taught, and empowered.
The Bible is a beautiful love letter from the Creator of all things to His masterpiece creation; you. But its endless layers of treasures can perplex even the most educated mind. The Holy Spirit will reveal the great riches and treasures hidden on the pages, filling you with revelation knowledge. The deepness of the Spirit will call to your deep, causing you to grow even deeper. He's that good, and that trustworthy, to lead you towards all Truth (John 16:13).
The Spirit will bring life and peace to the reprobate mind (Romans 8:6), gives spiritual life to the mortal body (v. 11), will put to death the misdeeds of the flesh (v. 13), reveal your true identity (v. 15-17), and make you a bold witness to the gospel of Truth (Acts 1:8).
When one leads a Spirit-filled life, the benefits are immeasurable, and the accomplishments the Lord can do through you are astounding. You not only walk in freedom; you walk in power. You not only walk in peace; you walk in wisdom. You not only walk in joy; you walk in boldness.
Never, and I mean never, let anything get between you and the cultivation of your relationship with the Holy Spirit. This will be the game changer for the remainder of your existence on earth, and will enable you to live kingdom-minded, and therefore draw heaven to earth.
Jesus Himself said greater things we shall do (John 14:12), and with the Spirit of Truth in operation in your life, greater things will be done.
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